Translations in context of 'che casino' in Italian-English from Reverso Context: Non potevo lasciare che venisse qui e vedesse che casino era la mia vita. With online casinos players can enjoy the latest card games and their favorite casino games, no matter where they are. Whether bettors want to play games to win real money or enjoy free online games, finding a secure casino Translate Casino From Italian To English online is essential. That's why our experts have found the best online casinos players can trust, along with the top casino games.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
casino gambling
card club
Okay, well, we have to concentrate on the casino.
Una volta aperto il casinò, possiamo trasferirci ovunque.
Once the casino's open, we can move anywhere in the world.
I order you to attack their major gambling home tomorrow.
Listen.. We need to discuss the casino.
Translate Casino From Italian To English Reverso
This must be the night he went to the casino.
Rimarrà la colonna portante della nuova campagna del casinò.
It's going to remain the centerpiece of the casino's new campaign.
Ours is not the only casino you play in.
I will bring in a clean casino, man.
Spieghi al signor Gainsley come funzionano i casinò.
Maybe you should tell Mr. Gainsley how the casino business works.
He cashed a $100 check at the casino.
By the way, I'm Billy Sherbert, casino manager.
Considering how much time you're spending in my casino.
They want to put a Frank's Diner in the casino.
Gestisce un casinò illegale in un ristorante fallito.
He runs an illegal floating casino out of failed restaurants.
Inoltre il casinò potrebbe essere collegato alla mafia.
It's cheaper and faster than building an actual casino.
Penso di poter svuotare quel casinò per qualche round.
I figure I can get that casino pretty empty for a few rounds.
Ieri siamo andati dall'architetto che progetta il casinò.
Yesterday, we saw the architect who's designing the casino.
We're going to blow his new casino up.
Yes. We had some days off, so we went to the casino.
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No results found for this meaning. Results: 13196. Exact: 13196. Elapsed time: 81 ms.
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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More
Casino rama poker tournaments 2020 ohio. Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
casino mess shit trouble noise fuss shitload screw-up lodge racket crap ruckus
messed up fucked up messy
As a team, they're a total mess.
I'm assuming you can clear up this mess.
Tutto il casino succederà quando arriverà l'eclissi.
All this shit's gonna go down when the eclipse is happening.
Provarci quando sta succedendo tutto questo casino.
All right, let's clean up this mess.
Secondo Clea sarà un casino prendere questa cosa.
According to Clea, it will be mess to get this thing.
Pulire questo casino bloccherà il porto per almeno tre mesi.
Cleaning up this mess is going to block the harbor for at least three months.
Francamente vorrei che Hightower e questo gran casino potessero scomparire.
I wish Hightower and this whole mess would just vanish, frankly.
It'll be a long, protracted mess.
'Cause you were cleaning up a dirty mess.
Somebody's got to clean up this damn mess.
Now get back here so we can sort out this mess.
Forse non saresti stata coinvolta in questo casino.
Then perhaps you wouldn't have got caught up in all this mess.
You need me to help you clean up this mess.
I'm as serious as this mess in Washington.
Now we have to clean this mess together.
Tell me what you did, and I will help you straighten out this mess.
Well, we sure wouldn't be in this mess that we are right now.
Dovevo stargli intorno per sistemare qualsiasi casino combinasse.
Had to be around to clean up whatever mess he makes.
Just fall in love, make a fucking mess.
Possibly inappropriate content Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
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No results found for this meaning. Results: 22855. Exact: 22855. Elapsed time: 50 ms.
Screw slot cutting file. High-quality, steel files designed for one purpose only – to cut perfectly square screw slots every time. #7, #9, and #11 files cover the most common slot sizes. Smooth-sided to cut only on the edge. Will not widen the slot as it deepens, or damage the screw head. Cleans up marred slots on hard to replace screws or cuts slots in new screws. Screw Slotting Files Used for filing slots in small screws. Available in 0.014' to 0.028' in edge thickness. Single cut on both edges - Both sides are safe. Doing the job right takes both a Joint File that cuts only on the edges and won't widen the slot as it deepens, and an Equalling File to clean up the slot sides and square the bottom. Available in matched, same-size pairs, 1 Joint and 1 Equalling. Plus, there's the Master Screw Slot Set with all twelve files to cover any slotting job. Use files to open up the angle of temples. Remove material from a barrel or a drilled lens. Smooth the end of a cut screw. Reopen the driver slot in a screw head.
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freeTranslate Casino From Italian To English
Voice translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games
Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More
Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More
Charitable Gambling in Minnesota Page 4. License and Permits. Charitable gambling may only be conducted by a licensed nonprofit organization. A fraternal, veterans, religious, or other nonprofit organization may apply for licensing if it has been in existence for at least three years and has at least 15 active members. Gambling licenses. Laws that Govern Charitable Trusts V. Minnesota-Organized Nonprofits and Charitable Gambling VI. When Nonprofits Must Provide Notice to the Attorney General VII. Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act Appendix. Charities and charitable trusts that incorporate in Minnesota do so under the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act, Minn. 317A, or, less commonly, as a nonprofit. Mn charitable gambling rules. Charitable, or 'lawful' gambling is that subset of gambling that is officially sanctioned and regulated by the state of Minnesota. Qualifying non-profit organizations are allowed to conduct one or more of the five 'lawful' forms of gambling: pull-tabs, raffles, bingo, tipboards, and paddlewheels.